Moonlight Prance

Moonlight Prance: written by Serena Gingold Allen & illustrated by Teagan White


moonlight prance

Written by serena gingold allen
illustrated by Teagan White

In this sweet and interactive bedtime read-aloud, young readers can make skunks scamper and possums prance with each push of a durable novelty element.

When you rest your head at night, nocturnal animals awake to dance and play! Push and pull the sturdy tabs to make foxes frolic and hedgehogs hustle in this sweet, interactive tale of nighttime fun.

A charming and interactive bedtime read-aloud, young children will delight in moving the durable novelty elements, making the illustrations transform through their efforts.

PUBLISHER: Chronicle Books
PUBLICATION DATE: April 5th, 2022
FORMAT: Board book with push & pull tabs; 14 pages